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Moonlight ZWM

4.0 ( 5600 ratings )
개발자: 敬博 周
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Moonlight-ZWM is the first open-source fork of the original Moonlight-iOS to implement native touch passthrough. Modified & developed by @True砖家(True Zhuanjia) on Bilibili with significant deviations, its nearly impossible to merge with the original repository.

Repository on Github:

Developer on Bilibili:

Special thanks to:
Jingbo Zhou
@XMJL on Bilibili

Major deviation from the original Moonlight-iOS:
- Bug-free 10-finger native touch pass-through (works for Windows host only).
- Adjustable "touch pointer velocity (sensitivity)" feature allows for slower or faster native touch pointer movements on the PC side.
- Stream view elevation for local keyboard prevents the remote typing view from being obstructed by the docked local keyboard.
- Enhanced gesture recognition to prevent accidental session exits.
- Improved tap gesture recognition for reliable toggling of the local keyboard.
- Integration with custom on-screen controller enables seamless duplication, deletion, and quick loading of custom OSC layouts directly within the stream view.
- On-screen button(keyboard, mouse) layout customization, saved along with on-screen game controller profile.
- Menu option to unlock portrait orientation. Automatically adjusts all resolutions (swapping width & height) when rotating the screen, eliminating the need for manual settings.
- Access settings menu directly during streaming without exiting the session by sliding inward from the screen edge.
- Fixed LAN host waking failure issue from the original Moonlight-iOS.
- Command tool supports adding/copying, deleting, and customizing keyboard commands.
- Chinese localization (zh-Hans for the greater China area) & preparation has been done in the source code for localization of all regions.